Congress is debating legislation to provide$ 300bn of Federal Housing Administration insurance guarantees for subprime mortgages, after the banks write the loans down to their foreclosure value. 美国国会目前正在讨论一项法案,在银行将次级贷款减记至取消赎回权的价值水平之后,由联邦住宅管理局(FederalHousingAdministration)为次级抵押贷款提供3000亿美元的保险担保。
Meanwhile, the costs of foreclosure mean lenders have little incentive to try to recover any value from a house in this kind of death spiral. 另一方面,丧失抵押品赎回权的成本,意味着对于这类陷入死亡循环的房产,贷款方也无意在挽回其价值方面进行任何尝试。